Tampa Bay Movers & Shakers
About this item:
Movers & Shakers is published by Times Total Media the sales and marketing division of the Tampa Bay Times. This advertising feature will appear in Sunday’s Tampa Bay Times and on tampabay.com/sponsored.
Announcements submitted by Friday at Noon will be published the following Sunday.
Publish dates are not guaranteed and could be postponed or held depending on space available or issues with the submission.
Pop-mounts and the Tampa Bay Times are not responsible for errors made in the copy or images. We also reserve the right to reject any submissions. Rejected submissions will receive a full refund. Free submissions may be limited based on available space and relevance to our readers.
Announcements are intended for new career developments such as promotions, certifications, awards, new ownership, or board appointments.
Please submit photos and logos at 200 dpi or higher.
Questions? Email sales@tampabay.com