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Product's description can impact directly to your customer's decision : Buy it or not ? Make sure your description is short, clear but interesting. Adding image/ video is a good idea to help customer overview your product easily. Moreover, you can up-sale by link your product with related ones :

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  • Abrasion resistant surface easily stands up to the print production process, packaging, and handling
  • Ready to Hang, Full Gallery Wrapped and Framed Canvas
  • 16 mil, 310gsm; Fine weave (oxford 1-over-1)
  • 35% cotton, 65% polyester; Satin Finish
  • Decoration Type: Sublimation

Come in 3 sizes: 12" x 8", 18" x 12" and 24" x 16" (Best Seller).
Please choose size very carefully before order.

Most of your customer want product delivered to their place. Providing shipping information can increase conversion rate as well as reliability for your website 

Printed in US with love, Merchandise is produced and shipped within 2 – 7 business days (in regular seasons) or more depends on holiday seasons. Standard shipping/transit times apply (1-7 days for domestic and 4-15 days for international).

Canvas shipping:

- In case you order more than one canvas, they will be shipped separately each with tracking number to ensure safe delivery.
Shipping cost will vary from $8.5 - $12.5 each package depending on canvas sizes.

- In case your order includes not only canvas(es) but other products, the canvas(es) will be shipped separately with the package of all other products.

For more details about our shipping rates, please visit HERE

Providing a good care for your customer make them want to pay you back in unconscious way : Buy your product !

Address: 234 Front Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94111, US

Address: 234 Front Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94111, US

If there is anything we can help, don't hesitate to contact us by filling contact form below:

The Canvas on My Wall

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BFCM sale

BFCM Sale 2019

25% OFF During BFCM Season from Nov 10 - Nov 15
